Sunday, July 15, 2012

Hikin' in the Rain

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous lately, so what better way to take it all in then plan a day enjoying the Great Outdoors? Riiiiiight. Why is it whenever you plan something outdoors, it starts to rain? After some debate in the morning, Steph and I decided to stick to our original plan in the hopes that by the time we made it up to the mountain, it would be clear. We opted for Rattlesnake Ridge because, in my opinion, it has one of the most rewarding views from the top (here's my trip from last year). While the rain stopped up top, there was a hazy layer of fog that hid the spectacular view. On the other hand, it did have this eerie, spooky, are-vampires-going-to-come-out-of-the-woods feel. I mean, we do live close to Forks and all... So it wasn't your typical summer hike, but still a wonderful time! 

Next up, Mailbox Peak? You up to it, Stephers?! 

Contrary to how this looks, I am in fact wearing shorts :)


  1. I wish Memphis had mountains. Or even hills!! I would love to go for a hike, even in the rain!

  2. Mailbox Peak?? Can't you find anything HARDER??? We are pro's after all

  3. Pantsless wonder! Sign me up for the next one! As long as it's not mailbox peak...


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