Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hi Hat Cupcakes

Do you have a recipe that you've flagged for a long time, but have yet to make it? Perhaps because it intimidates you? Well, I do. And this is it, folks: Hi Hat Cupcakes. There are so many reasons it intimidates me and one look at the directions and you'll know why. But with mixer in hand and friend by my side (Thanks Mads!), I was ready to take. them. ON!

It's a rather lengthy process - making the cupcakes, licking the batter bowl clean, mixing the frosting at exactly 160 degrees, licking that bowl clean, piping the cupcakes, freezing the cupcakes, dipping them in molten hot chocolate, praying the frosting doesn't slide right off into the chocolate, rejoicing, then cooling the cupcakes to serve. Friends, this process is not for the faint of heart, but the finished product is absolutely incredible!

Top pic/via, other pics my own


  1. Bring some of those home on Friday

  2. So happy I got to try one - they tasted as good as they look! Thanks again for a lovely evening! :)


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