Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I sometimes wish I was more artsy. I mean, I can be creative sometimes (not to be confused with any great artistic skills), but I'm too much of a damn perfectionist to start anything. I just know that it will take me too long and I'll labor and obsess over the parts I don't like or the small mistakes only seen by my eye.

Hmm, I wonder where I got this from? Yep, my mother. But she doesn't let the perfectionism get to her. She just keeps bustin' out new works of art. I can't even tell you how many projects I've seen her take on over the years. Currently it's necklaces and nuno scarves - both taught to her by my artsy Aunt Jo Ann. They are really quite creative ladies!

Which brings me to the reason for this post: Ballard Art Walk. Little did I know, but there is an art walk every month in Ballard and last weekend I went for the first time. Joe and I went to see his buddy/my neighbor's show. It was really cool! (Puts my stick figures to shame.)

Great art. Good beer. Crazy McDonald's cheeseburger-tasting Doritos. Good company. Fun post-show trip to the Sloop. Overall, good times.

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