Thursday, November 18, 2010

Soup it up.

Since Danielle put homemade soups on her happy list yesterday, I remembered that I have made SEVERAL homemade soups over the last month or so. Primarily because my man is very, very sick. It's gotten to the point that he can only have liquid soup because his throat is so swollen. Do me a favor? Send some healing vibes his way? I'm sure he'd appreciate it. Thanks.

At any rate, the soups I've made recently - all from the famous Martha Cookbook, Everyday Food: Great Food Fast.

  • Curried Carrot Soup, pictured above and my fave of all of them so far. It's divine. Not too curry-heavy and smooth as a baby's butt. (I just compared soup to a baby's butt. I hope that doesn't prevent you from trying this recipe.)
  • Asian Chicken Soup, also pictured above. It's good, not mind-blowing, but I'd definitely make it again because it was a cinch.
  • Creamy Parsnip Soup, this was my second fave. I'd never cooked with parsnips (basically white carrots that have a radish-like flavor), but I really liked them.
  • Creamy Corn Soup, the night of, this soup tasted like liquid buttery corn. Well, because that's basically all that's in it. So it was very tasty. However, the leftovers looked so much like baby food that it almost spoiled my appetite.
  • Chicken and wild rice soup, I substituted chicken breast for the chicken thighs (a bit more healthy), but I think it may have taken away from the flavor a bit. Next time, I'll follow the recipe. I did like the abundance of carrots and celery. They were very flavorful! (Note: I can't find the recipe on Martha's site, but I found it on someone's blog!)

So now that the weather is officially changing (snow in the forecast!), it's time to bust out the soup recipes and stay warm!

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