Tuesday, November 16, 2010

kimber's happy list

The return of the HAPPY LISTS. When I saw Kimber's in my inbox today, I lit up. They are just so much fun to read and really put me in a good mood. I especially love her #6!
  1. Crisp, bright, fall days and the cozy sweaters that go with them. (Erika's note: If you remember, I dubbed Kimber as Queen of Fall, well essentially.)
  2. Tea. Peppermint tea is my new favorite - it's so soothing. And pretty much any of the Ceylon Tea Company teas, they are incredibly smooth tasty compared to other teas.
  3. Fleece. Blankets, socks, pants, jackets. You name it - if it touches your body, you can't go wrong with fleece! (Though, I'm not quite sure about fleece underwear)
  4. Leavenworth Oktoberfest with friends - And any outing with friends where we can admire leaves and drink good beer.
  5. Laughing so hard that my eyes tear up or until my stomach aches.
  6. Movie theatre popcorn with lots of butter and salt in the middle and on the top. Once I even popped into Majestic Bay theatre to buy some when I wasn't seeing a movie. They didn't seem weirded out, so I figure I'm not the only one :)
  7. Having a good, long talk with my family about almost anything
  8. Being out on the Olympic Peninsula, especially at Second Beach or Chito Beach.
  9. The realization that the book you are in the middle of reading is SO GOOD and that you still have half of it left to enjoy.
  10. Baking goodies. And then eating them! (P.S. Kimber, can I have another one of your madeleine cookies? Please??)

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