Monday, November 8, 2010

maddie's happy list

Maddie made me happy by sharing her happy list with me (since I requested it here and others should also share). I really like it! Number 5 made me especially excited for Sunriver this year! And #7 made me hungry. I guess leftover candy corn will have to satisfy the sweet tooth for now.

But overall, these lists always make me smile. Enjoy!
  1. Singing in the car. Do you think that if we put all of the world's leaders together in a big suburban and turned a little Rhianna on that all the problems might get solved? I do. Did I just start a political movement?
  2. Friends who will kill your spiders for you. On multiple occasions, too. (Erika's note: This bad ass she's referring to may or may not be yours truly.)
  3. Succulents in tiny pots. I just want to pinch them!
  4. Surprisingly warm and sunny fall days.
  5. Memories of suits and boots - a yearly wintertime, snowy hot tub excursion.
  6. Holding baby animals. Pass the kittens, please.
  7. Our quest for the perfect cinnamon roll with my soul sister (which reminds me, we need to do this again soon). (Erika's note: Full story to come.)
  8. The feeling after finishing a fantastic run.
  9. Visiting my favorite hair guru, Steven Barrett.
  10. Hamachi nigiri. With a little wasabi. My favorite.

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