Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Goal Project

Maddie thinks that my weekly goal should be having a near death experience on a daily basis because so far I'm 2 for 2*, but I don't think I'm willing to give that a shot.

(*Sunday: Car situation. Monday: Maddie and I were within inches of being hit by a car that sped through a red light at an intersection. She screamed. I nearly peed my pants. The intersection was at a standstill. Yikes.)

But instead, since this was somewhat decided for me by the fates of the car gods:

Goal: Use alternate means of transportation all week.

So far, so good. I ran yesterday. Today I rode the bus. Tomorrow I'm thinking about biking to work. Then Thursday, maybe even walk the 2.5 miles to work. Friday - maybe I'll hitch hike? I look intimidating enough to ward off the weirdos, right?

I'm so green.

On another topic, remember Superman?

Well, he managed to make me snort from laughing so hard yesterday. (Which, I guess, isn't too difficult to do.) He read my post about his galiant efforts and followed-up with an amazing picture message.

The text read: "My secret is out."

The picture is too hard to put into words. So for your viewing pleasure, I present to you: Superman.

1 comment:

  1. Erika, your dad is awesome!!!

    I can't stop laughing at the whole thing.


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